Bông Lúa Food's product brings quality value, quality commitment, and clear origin from Organic

The Story of Rice Food: Pure Origin, Natural Health
At Bông Lúa Food, we are more than just a company; we are storytellers of pure origins and natural health derived from rice grains. From the outset, we have committed to providing consumers with products that are not only delicious but also promote wellness, achieved through a harmonious blend of traditional methods and modern technology.

We understand that each grain of rice tells a story. This story is about passion, the dedication of farmers, and a meticulous production process involving an entire community. We carefully select clean rice grains from diverse fields spread across Vietnam, where the golden sunlight and the earth’s warmth blend together.

Our products at Bông Lúa Food are more than mere meals; they embody sincerity from the heart and special care from fields to your kitchen. We transform these grains into nutrient-rich offerings that nourish both the body and spirit daily.

We don’t just follow trends at Bông Lúa Food; we invent them. By fusing tradition with innovation, we provide not just a product, but an experience that brings traditional tastes into the modern, improved culinary realm.

Join Bông Lúa Food on a journey to uncover the splendor of traditional cuisine and natural health. Each grain of rice and every product encapsulates a piece of us, a piece of Vietnam, and a piece of you, staying true to our core value: “EAT NOT JUST FOR FULL, BUT FOR HEALTH.”

No genetically modified foods
No Gluten
No artificial preservatives


Business philosophy
"Promoting Well-being and Health in Society Through Culinary Pathways"
"Serving Society with Nutritious and High-Quality Products"
"Becoming a Trusted Health and Wellness Brand in the Eyes of Our Customers"